Successive governments have sought to halt or slow down the inflationary spiral. 连续几届政府都设法制止或减慢通货膨胀的螺旋形上升。
High energy prices were the largest single element fuelling an inflationary spiral that left many families worse off. 高能源价格是最助长恶性通货膨胀,令许多家庭更糟的单一要素。
On the other, he is well aware of the inflationary spiral is helping to push them higher. 另一方面,他也完全明白通货膨胀的上升螺旋把他们推得更高。
When the emperor and his court find they can print money without restraint, their wild spending leads to an inflationary spiral and civil chaos. 当皇帝及朝臣发现,他们可以无限制印刷钞票时,他们的疯狂开支最终导致了螺旋式通胀和内乱。
The startling jump in US consumer price inflation over the past several months has sparked concern over whether the economy is entering an inflationary spiral similar to that of the 1970s. 过去几个月美国消费者价格通胀的惊人上涨,引发了人们的担心:美国经济是否正落入类似于上世纪70年代那样的螺旋式通胀之中?
Much of China's inflation comes from agricultural products, but analysts warned public expectations of wider price rises risk creating an inflationary spiral that would be hard to contain. 中国的通货膨胀大多来自农产品,但分析师警告说大众对价格普遍上涨的预期有可能导致难以控制的恶性通货膨胀。
Financial markets may still react in an orderly way to such an outcome, if the risks of a hard landing or an inflationary spiral do not materialize. 如果硬着陆或螺旋通胀的风险没有实现的话,金融市场也许还是会有序的应对可能的结果。
Such a loosening of monetary conditions, which is transmitted to other countries that peg to the dollar, threatens an inflationary spiral. 如此放松货币政策环境(传递给本币盯住美元的其它国家),可能造成通胀的螺旋式上升。
It would want to avoid a jump in inflationary expectation or a wage-price spiral. 它将希望避免通胀预期飙升,或工资/价格螺旋式上升。
We are in danger of getting into an inflationary spiral. 我们正陷于螺旋式通胀的危险之中。
And inflationary expectations are not properly anchored, increasing the risk of a wage-price spiral. 通货膨胀预期并没有有效平复,从而增加了工资价格螺旋上涨的风险。
We can go too far. Inflation much above 4 per cent risks starting an inflationary spiral. 我们不能做得太过火。当通胀率远高于4%时,存在引发通胀螺旋式上升的风险。